BeHumans and Digittude Revolutionize the Market with Digital Humans

BeHumans and Digittude Revolutionize the Market with Digital Humans
A Strategic Alliance at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence


The future in business interaction by BeHumans and Digittude, pioneers in the creation of digital humans, and how these companies are transforming the way organizations connect with their clients by merging cutting-edge artificial intelligence with high-value professional services.


Digittude becomes a strategic ally of BeHumans.


Digittude and BeHumans have joined forces to strengthen the positioning of both companies in the emerging and growing field of artificial intelligence.

BeHumans, as a startup specializing in creating Digital Humans, designs custom 3D avatars with learning capabilities, qualified to operate in business environments. This enables companies to achieve a more human and empathetic interaction with all their clients, helping to meet the proposed business objectives.

BeHumans is part of the BeDisruptive business group, a cybersecurity company that supports its clients in designing solutions and maintaining a secure environment. They have several international Security Operations Centers (SOC) with a presence in Rome, Madrid, Panama City, Milan, and soon in Washington. “We are where our clients are, and we reach wherever their business needs it”.


According to Gartner, by 2030, 80% of companies will have hybrid teams composed of both people and digital humans working together to achieve common goals. These studies show that artificial intelligence (AI) has begun to change many aspects of work and will continue to do so in the next decade. How can it help us?

  • ⁠Productivity. AI is used to complement people’s capabilities, helping them do things they couldn’t do before and increasing productivity.

  • User experience. n the coming years, we expect significant advances in application interfaces, making them more natural by incorporating the ability to express and establish closer connections.

Our proposal is to create and incorporate new talent into company teams, combining technologies to generate digital employees that will coexist with current employees. One of the characteristics of digital humans is to process large amounts of information, be always available, and replicate to handle demand peaks, but they are not as versatile as human employees.


Founded in 2022, Digittude is a new and fresh company , based on the knowledge and experience of a highly competent and well-established team, always with a focus on continuous expansion, learning, and evolution.

One of Digittude’s strategic bets is artificial intelligence, where it provides high-value-added professional services. For this reason, the alliance with BeHumans is a key reinforcement for the development and evolution of its value proposition.


In the words of Antonio Sahagún, CRO of BeHumans “This alliance with Digittude will allow us to rely on a highly qualified partner committed to BeHumans’ goal. It will enable us to bring the most advanced artificial intelligence solutions to the market, providing the support and integration capabilities our clients need, along with a commitment to developing solutions using our same ethical code”.


Clara Etayo, Business Development Director of Digittude highlights, “The advanced solutions of BeHumans in the field of artificial intelligence are a significant boost to Digittude’s value proposition in this area. We are partnering with one of the most promising and innovative companies globally, allowing us to bring our clients a different, groundbreaking, and highly efficient vision for the use of digital humans in their stakeholder relationship processes.